b'and personal injury and loss of and damage to luggage which we may incur to you15. Conditions of Suppliersshall always be subject to the limits of liability contained in the Athens ConventionMany of the services which make up your holiday are provided by independent or EU Regulation 392/2009 for death/personal injury of 46,666 Special Drawingsuppliers. Those suppliers provide these services in accordance with their own Rights (SDR) or 300,000 SDR under Athens Convention or 400,000 SDRs under EUterms and conditions. Some of these terms and conditions may limit or exclude Regulation 392/2009 except in the case of liability for war or terrorism 250,000the suppliers liability to you, usually in accordance with applicable international SDRs. We are not liable for valuables, monies or other securities including jewelryconventions or EU regulations (see clause 12(4)(c)). Copies of the relevant parts and watches. If they have been deposited with the reception desk on the ship forof these terms and conditions are available on request from us or the supplier safe keeping and a receipt issued, then in those limited circumstances the Carriersconcerned.liability will be as set out in the Athens Convention or EU Regulation 392/2009. The use of safes onboard a Vessel is not a deposit with the ship or with the company16. Special Requestsunder the Athens Convention or EU Regulation 392/2009 or otherwise. If you have any special requests, you must advise us in writing at the time of The limits are 1200 SDRs pursuant to Athens or 3,375 SDRs pursuant to EUbooking. Although we will endeavour to pass any reasonable requests on to the Regulation 392/2009. Limits shall be reduced in proportion to any contributoryrelevant supplier, we regret we cannot guarantee any request will be met unless negligence by the Passenger and by the maximum deductible specified in Articlewe have specifically confirmed this. For your own protection, you should obtain 8 (4) of the Athens Convention or EU Regulation 392/2009. Where carriage isconfirmation in writing from us that your request will be complied with (where performed on inland waterways, and the vessel does not go to sea the liabilityit is possible for us to give this) if your request is important to you. Confirmation provisions relating to sea going vessels do not apply to the cruise. In those casesthat a special request has been noted or passed on to the supplier or the the liability of the Carrier to customers shall be determined in accordance withinclusion of the special request on your confirmation letter/invoice or any other English law (the Merchant Shipping Act) and The Convention on Limitation ofdocumentation is not confirmation that the request will be met. Unless and until Liability for Maritime Claims 1996 (LLMC 96) as amended by SI 1998/1258, a copyspecifically confirmed, all special requests are subject to availability. We regret of which will be provided by on request or can be found at:https://www.legislation. we cannot accept any conditional bookings, i.e. any booking which is specified gov.uk/uksi/1998/1258/contents/made. to be conditional on the fulfilment of a particular request and all such bookings The limits for non-sea going passenger vessels is 175,000 SDRs per passengerwill be treated as standard bookings subject to the above provisions on special limit. Liability for property claims will be at least 1,000,000 SDRs under SIrequests.1998/1258 (4)(b)(i)). The Strasbourg Convention on the Limitation of Liability of Owners of Inland Navigation Vessels, referred to as the Strasbourg Convention17. Medical Conditions/Disabilities/Reduced Mobilitywith protocols and amendments, applies to vessels sailing on waterways locatedRegrettably, many of our tours are not suitable for customers with certain in the territory of a state party subject to (i) the Revised Convention relating to thedisabilities and they can also be physically demanding. If you have any medical Navigation of the Rhine of 17 October 1868 and (ii) the Convention of 27 Octobercondition or disability which may affect your tour or any health, fitness or mobility 1956 concerning the canalization of the Moselle (Article 15(1) of the Strasbourgconcerns which may affect your ability to cope with the tour, please give us full Convention: https://www.ivr- eu.com/expertises/legal/?lang=en). If the Strasbourgdetails before you confirm your booking so that we can advise as to the suitability Convention applies the limits for customer claims are 60,000 SDRs per customerof the chosen arrangements. We will make reasonable efforts to accommodate subject to a minimum of 6,000,000 SDRs (see Article 7). The Carriers liability forspecial needs or cause our suppliers to accommodate them, but, if we are to help death, injury, illness, damage, delay or other loss to person or property of any kindyou choose the right tour for your health, mobility and fitness, we must be aware suffered by customers shall, in the first instance, be governed by the Conventionof all details. Please note that Tour Manager (if on an escorted holiday) cannot on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims 1996 as amended by SI 1998/1258 orprovide individual assistance with boarding trains or coaches, or handle your where applicable the Strasbourg Convention. The Carriers liability therefore shallluggage. It is your responsibility to provide us with full and accurate details of your not exceed those limitations provided by the said LLMC 1996 and SI 1998/1258mobility, health and fitness (including any disability), so we can advise you on the or where applicable Strasbourg Convention or in any further revisions, protocolssuitability of tours. As standard practice all customers are asked at the point of and/or amendments thereto as shall become applicable. Where the LLMC 1996 orbooking whether they have any mobility limitations or health concerns which may If applicable Strasbourg Convention permits the Carrier to apply a deductible, theimpact on their tour. Customers are required to provide all relevant information Carrier may apply that deductible. SDRs are a monetary unit of the Internationalto ensure that this matter has been carefully considered and we are aware of any Monetary Fund and current exchange rate can be found in major financialissues. We may require you to produce a doctors certificate certifying that you newspapers. are fit to participate in the tour. Acting reasonably, if we are unable to properly accommodate the needs of the person(s) concerned, we will not confirm your (5) Please note, we cannot accept any liability for any damage, loss, expense orbooking or if you did not give us full details at the time of booking, we will cancel other sum(s) of any nature or description (a) which on the basis of the informationit and impose applicable cancellation charges when we become aware of these given to us by you concerning your booking prior to our accepting it, we could notdetails. You must also advise us as soon as possible of any change in any disability have foreseen you would suffer or incur if we breached our contract with you oror medical condition or your health, fitness or mobility or if any medical condition (b) which did not result from any breach of contract or other fault by ourselvesor disability which may affect your tour develops after your booking has been or our employees or, where we are responsible for them, our suppliers c) whichconfirmed. Please also see clause 6.relate to any business including, without limitation, self-employed loss of earnings, d) indirect or consequential loss of any kind. 18. Fitness to Travel for Cruise ArrangementsWhere you have booked a cruise, the following conditions will apply in addition to (6) Where it is impossible for you to return to your departure point as per thethose set out in clause 17.agreed return date of your package, due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances, we shall provide you with any necessary accommodation (whereIn order to ensure that the carrier of your cruise is able to carry passengers possible, of a comparable standard) for a period not exceeding three nightssafely and in accordance with applicable safety requirements established per person. Please note that the 3 night cap does not apply to persons withby international, EU or national law or otherwise in order to meet safety reduced mobility, pregnant women or unaccompanied minors, nor to personsrequirements established by competent authorities including the ships flag state, needing specific medical assistance, provided we have been notified of theseyou (and every member of your group) warrant that you/they are fit to travel particular needs in advance. For the purposes of this clause, unavoidable andby sea and that your/their conduct or condition will not impair the safety of the extraordinary circumstances mean warfare, acts of terrorism, significant risks tocruise ship. Please note that the carrier of your cruise may require you to provide human health such as the outbreak of serious disease at the travel destination ormedical evidence of fitness to travel, in order to assess whether you can be carried natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes or weather conditions which make itsafely and in accordance with applicable international, EU or national law. It is impossible to travel safely back to your departure point. often the case that carriers will be unable to carry passengers who have entered or passed their 24th week of pregnancy by the end of their cruise.13. Complaints and Problems Women who reach their 23rd week of pregnancy at the end of the cruise may also In the unlikely event that you have any reason to complain or experience anybe required to provide evidence of fitness to travel. Carriers reserve the right to problems with your holiday whilst away, you must immediately inform yourrefuse passage if they are not satisfied that the passenger will be safe during the Tour Manager (if on an escorted holiday) and/or us by telephone on our 24- course of the cruise. Pregnant women are therefore strongly recommended to hour emergency helpline (if not on an escorted holiday) and the supplier of theseek medical advice prior to travel, at any stage of their pregnancy. Passengers service(s) in question. Any verbal notification must be put in writing and givenwho require the use of a wheelchair must provide their own standard size to your Tour Manager (if on an escorted holiday) or us (if not on an escortedwheelchair for the duration of the cruise. Carriers often provide a limited number holiday) and the supplier as soon as possible. Until we know about a problem orof wheelchairs which are strictly available for emergency use only. The carrier may complaint, we cannot begin to resolve it. Most problems can be dealt with quickly.require such passengers to be accompanied by a travelling companion who is fit If you remain dissatisfied, however, you must write to us within 28 days of yourand able to assist them, where it is reasonably deemed by the carrier that this is return to the UK giving your booking reference and full details of your complaint.strictly necessary.Only the party leader should write to us. If you fail to follow thissimple complaints procedure, your right to claim the compensation you may otherwise have been19. Excursions, Activities and Brochure/Website Informationentitled to may be affected or even lost as a result. Please note that we do offer anThe information contained in our brochure and on our website is correct to the Alternative Dispute Resolution service, through our ABTA membership. Please seebest of our knowledge at the time of the brochure going to print or at the time of clause 14 for further details. publication on our website. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the brochure and prices at the time of printing or publication, regrettably errors do 14. Arbitration occasionally occur. You must therefore ensure you check all details of your chosen We are a Member of ABTA, membership number V2170. We are obliged toholiday (including the price) with us at the time of booking.maintain a high standard of service to you by ABTAs Code of Conduct. We can alsoWe may provide you with information (in our brochure, on our website and/or offer you ABTAs scheme for the resolution of disputes which is approved by thewhen you are on holiday) about activities and excursions which are available in the Chartered Trading Standards Institute. If we cant resolve your complaint, go toarea you are visiting but cannot be pre-booked with us or otherwise purchased via www.abta.com to use ABTAs simple procedure. Further information on the Codeourselves. We have no involvement in any such activities or excursions which are and ABTAs assistance in resolving disputes can be found on www.abta.com ornot run, supervised, controlled, inspected or endorsed in any way by us. They are you can contact ABTA, 30 Park Street, London SE1 9EQ. You can also use the AITOprovided by local operators or other third parties who are entirely independent arbitration serviceplease seewww.aito.com for further information.of us. They do not form any part of your contract with us even where we or your Tour Manager (if on an escorted holiday) suggest particular operators/other third parties and/or assist you in booking such activities or excursions in any way. We BOOKING CONDITIONS 113'